
Archive for the ‘Products & Consumer’ Category

Worldwise Incorporated Gives a Dog a Bone!

Worldwise Inc. gives your dog a bone, an organic bone, a healthy bone. Worldwise, is a top manufacturer of environmentally responsible toys. Their brands include PoochPlanet for pups and SmartyKat for kitties. PoochPlanet features comfy pet bedding made from recycled plastic bottles and healthy treats to freshen breath, strengthen bones, and keep your pet’s coat […]

By • Dec 8th, 2007

Method… People Against Dirty

An inspiring company started in 2001 and currently ranked as the number 7 fasted growing company in the country by INC. magazine, Method is a revolutionary approach to cleaning products. Method’s stylish product designs inspire curiosity in their soaps and cleaning supplies. But what really matters is their effort to provide the public a way […]

By • Dec 7th, 2007